Binary Options Heiken Ashi Strategy

Is trading binary options simple ? Yes . Is it easy to make money on your trades ? Not necessarily . And in most cases, it’s not nearly as easy as a lot of binary options brokers want you to believe . But that doesn’t mean you’re destined to lose money . On the contrary, you can generate an income trading binary options over the long run if you stick to a few time-tested guidelines . Expect some of your trades to expire out of the money . That’s unavoidable . The trick is following a binary options trading strategy that is designed to help you come out on top over time . That’s what I’m going to share with you below . What follows is not meant to be a step-by-step trading system . Entire books have been written on that topic . I can’t cover everything on a single page . But I can give you 8 “secrets” used by veteran traders who consistently manage to make profitable trades . Fair enough ? Let’s get to work… #1 – Trade Assets You’re Comfortable With If you know the gold market inside and out, don’t start with oil . Likewise, if you’re an adept stock trader, focus on stocks rather than currency pairs . In other words, start with your areas of expertise . Give yourself every possible advantage . Learn what you can trade here . Keep in mind that “knowing a market” doesn’t guarantee you’ll make profitable trades in it . One of the benefits of trading binary options is that the trades expire in a short period of time; some expire within 60 seconds ! So, don’t get cocky . Even if you “know” that gold is going to go up in the near future, the price can seesaw during the next 15 minutes . Having said that, if you stick to the assets you’re comfortable with, you can eliminate a lot of the uncertainty that goes with trading . And keep in mind, you can always branch out into other assets down the road . #2 – Don’t Bet The Farm Let’s face it . Your bankroll is limited . If you bet big on a few trades that expire out of the money, you might blow through your stash . Although gutsy trades might play well in movies like “Wall Street,” they almost always turn out badly in real life . Real traders, the guys and gals who do this for a living, certainly don’t bet the farm . So, why should you ? Here’s a better option: invest with the expectation that you might lose your investment . Will you be able to survive if a trade goes south ? Will you still be able to pay your mortgage and put food on the table ? That’s a good place to start . Don’t put up money you can’t afford to lose . As your bankroll grows, so too will the amount you invest in any given trade . But for now, be conservative . Check your bankroll management skills . As they say, hope for the best and prepare for the worst . #3 – Start By Trading In A Demo Account If you’re just getting started with binary options, do yourself a favor . Use the broker who offers access to a demo account . That gives you a chance to place trades without risking your money . (Of course, you won’t win any money, but that’s hardly the point.) The advantage of using a demo account is that you’ll gain experience and confidence while test driving the broker’s trading platform . You don’t have to worry about whether the trades you make expire in the money . Several reputable binary options brokers will give you access to a free, no-risk demo account when you sign up . Among them, we enjoy using TradeRush, MarketsWorld, 24Option, and GlobalTrader365 (as well as a few others) . Those are the brokers we’ve found to consistently offer a first-rate experience . As such, we feel confident recommending them . #4 – Be Disciplined While Trading We’re the first to admit that trading binary options is a lot of fun . It’s a great feeling to watch your trade expire in the money, and know that you’ve just make a nice chunk of cash while sitting at home . But that doesn’t mean you should approach trading as you would a game . It’s not a game . If you’re not careful, you can – and probably will – lose money . Pro traders know this better than anybody . They realize that they need to stay disciplined when choosing assets, looking at candlestick charts, and placing trades . If they take their eyes off the ball, even for a minute, they’re bound to get hurt (financially) . If you want to make money with binary options, be prepared to put in some effort . Think of it as running a business . The payoff can be huge, but it rarely comes without work . This ain’t the lottery . #5 – Don’t Try To Make Up Losses This is a pattern you’ll commonly see with beginning traders . They lose money on a few trades, and become desperate to make their money back . The more desperate they get, the less careful they are when choosing trades . Some folks become so hot and bothered over their losses that they throw caution to the wind . They bet on just about anything, hoping to make back their money . They’re like the guy who loses his bankroll playing poker, and on his way out of the casino, bets everything he has on black on the roulette table . How often does THAT turn out well ? Bottom line: if you suffer a series of losses, take a breather . Lick your wounds and try to figure out what went wrong . Keep in mind, if you’re investing smaller amounts, as we recommended above (ref . #2), your losses should be manageable . The key is to avoid making them worse . #6 – Don’t Get Comfortable Show me a trader who thinks he knows everything about binary options, and I’ll show you a guy who’s destined to take a beating, courtesy of the market . There is always something useful to learn that can help you make profitable trades . And once you think you have everything figured out, you’re in trouble . Think of the professional baseball player who manages to maintain a high batting average . Do you think he sits at home and watches TV when he’s not playing in a game ? No ! He’s practicing his swing . He’s looking for ways to improve . That’s the right perspective to take when trading binary options . If you want to make the huge returns advertised on the brokers’ sites, you need to constantly improve your game . Learn about pivot points . Figure out how to use Fibonacci retracements . Learn to hedge your trades to minimize your losses . In other words, don’t ever get comfortable . #7 – Work With Trusted Binary Options Brokers You want to work with brokers that have a positive track record . That should go without saying, but believe it or not, a lot of folks entrust their hard-earned cash to fly-by-night brokers . The assumption seems to be that if a broker has a website, it must be legitimate . Nothing could be further from the truth . We’ve been reviewing brokers since this industry surfaced online binary trading earning company . We’ve put together a list of legitimate binary options brokers on this site, so you don’t have to find them the hard way . You’ll also find a few that we suspect of shady practices that hurt traders . If you haven’t done so, check out our reviews . We strongly suggest picking brokers from our list . They are the only ones we recommend . #8 – Unplug Being obsessed is never a good thing . It makes it very hard to enjoy life, which can create huge problems if you’re in a relationship or have kids . So know when it’s time to log out of your trading account and call it a day . It doesn’t matter if you’re on a winning streak and convinced that every trade you place will turn a profit . Log out . Unplug . Walk away . Take your significant other out to dinner . Or call a few friends, and get together for drinks . The point is that binary options trading should be fun and profitable . But it shouldn’t run your life . Keep balance in life a priority . To recap, trading binary options can be an exciting way to make money . But it’s not easy . Nor is it a game . Bookmark this page or print it out and tape it to your wall where you can see it . Remind yourself of the 8 tips above whenever you log into your binary options trading account . It could save you from taking a massive beating in the market.


Introduction Binary Options Heiken Ashi Strategy

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