Binary Options Illegal

This guy I work with started telling me a few months ago about how this foreign girl started texting him and how she's smoking hot and a millionaire . Idk the context of what there conversations were about, and I had told him how it's definitely the plot to a scam . Let's be real, he's some 50 year old crusty guy working in the oil and gas industry, and some random foreign girl claiming to be a millionaire starts texting him, eventually pulling him into "binary options" . Now this guy makes upwards of 400k a year and lacks zero common sense when it comes to managing his income and a severe gambling addiction binary options metatrader 4 . Literally rn he's pumping money into this website this girl set him up on, claiming he's made over 20k in the last 10 min trading "binary options" . Idek how tf to break the news to this guy . It's so obviously a scam and yet he doesn't question it at all . You'd think one would realize that if it seems too good to be true than it probably is . He makes way too much money for his own good